This area provides children with opportunities to develop skills and attitudes that will help them to adjust to our rapidly changing society.
The emphasis in Science today is on investigating, designing, making and evaluating. Children are encouraged to work with a number of different materials and tools in a variety of problem-solving situations. They learn about natural and man-made environments and use these as a context for study.
Computers and iPads are available in each classroom. The school is networked and the children are permitted supervised access to the internet.
The teachers are well aware of the importance of developing skills, which allow each child to effectively use the devices for a variety of learning purposes. The computers are seen as a tool for learning to be used across the curriculum. Each child has access to a class web page.
Children are introduced to ‘coding’ and given access to Virtual Reality which has potential to enrich learning and challenges thinking. The program ‘processor’ was introduced to enable the children to begin to code for Virtual Reality.
In addition to this, the library also has a computer network, which allows the children supervised access to library resources, the Internet and basic applications.