Parents and Friends

The P&F Association is a vital part of the school and works in partnership with the Principal and staff to help the school achieve its annual goals and in building strong community support for the school amongst parents.

General meetings of the association are held each term.  Dates for meetings are communicated in the Newsletter.

 The P&F Executive roles for 2025 are:

President Sarah Wilson
Vice-President Nicole Clancy
Treasurer Vacant
Secretary Melissa Mason
Communications Manager Renee Collins
Diocesan Parent Role Representative ( CSP Reps) Kate Ryder

 Non-Executive roles for 2025 are:

Class Parent Co-ordinator Renee Collins
Second Hand Uniform Shop Co-ordinator Vacant Position
Entertainment Book Co-ordinator Kirsten Bailey
Parent Buddy Co-ordinator Gisella Cadena
Book Club Convenor Michelle Pastor
Sustainability Committee Edith Bracken

The Annual General Meeting of the association is held in Term 4 of each year.  All parents are encouraged to attend this meeting as it is a good opportunity to meet other parents and have a say in    the P & F activities.  At this meeting some P&F positions become vacant.  Parents nominate for positions and a vote is taken if necessary.

All parents are asked to consider sharing their talents and time by volunteering for one of the many roles involved through the P&F.