Instrument Repairs

All instruments need regular servicing and repairs; and we understand that accidents do happen, even when we are trying to take the absolute best care of our instruments. 

All hired instruments are covered under the school’s insurance policy whilst stored at school. You have already agreed to take proper care of your hired instrument. Parents are responsible for any costs incurred resulting from mistreatment. The Band will only accept responsibility for any repairs due to age or prior use. If you feel an instrument needs repair, please bring it to the attention of the Band Director. 

If there is a problem with the instrument, it is the responsibility of the PARENT to contact the school’s instrument repairer and deliver it for repairs. We are very fortunate to have a local musician, Ben Dickson, looking after our instruments. Ben will let you know if the instrument just needs a service in which he will charge the school. If it has been dropped or mistreated, the charge will be your responsibility. 

Ben Dickson (Repair Technician): 0402 730 826 

Lemin Luu (Instrument Hire Administrator) 0415 199 085 

Workshop: located at: 1/900 Pittwater Rd, DEE WHY 2099 
