Mission & Parent Corner News

Mission and Parents Corner

Thank you so much for all those who were able to join us for mass last week for the feast of Assumption. It was a wonderful mass and we especially thank Sarah Webster and the choir for the amazing music provided for the mass.

We look forward to our Stage 2 Family Mass this Sunday, 27 August. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the celebration.

Upcoming Liturgies and  Masses – SAVE THE DATES!

All are welcome to attend the following events held this Term:

  • Sunday 27 August – Family Mass for Stage 2 Classes- All welcome
  • Thursday 31 August – Father’s Day Liturgy and open classrooms
  • Friday 1 September – Kindy, Year 3 and Senior Class Mass at 9:10am
  • Friday 8 September – Year 1 Class Mass at 9:10am
  • Thursday 21 September – Whole school End of term Mass at 11:40am
  • Saturday 23 September – Confirmation – 10:30am and 12:30pm.

Social Justice Initiatives coming up this Term.

Socktober is launching soon. More information to come. This year, Catholic Mission will be raising funds for East Timor. Last year OLGC raised $7000 in total which was an incredible achievement.

From the Parish

A message from Father Satheesh about the weekend mass times.

Dear Parishioners,

Over the years, there has been a decline in the numbers of people attending Mass. Of course, this was accentuated over the past several years given the effects of COVID. The decline has many different implications – liturgically, pastorally, financially. In time, these implications will require consideration in various ways.

The following questions you may need to reflect:

  1. Is our current parish Mass schedule the most appropriate given our current circumstances?
  2. What might be the schedule of Sunday Masses be that best meets the pastoral needs of the demographic of our community?
  3. Given current and trending attendance figures are there any Masses that might be considered unnecessary?
  4. Are you happy with our present Mass schedules?

All the parishes in our Diocese are evaluating the present Mass schedules. Hence it is good for us to consider our schedule also. If you have any suggestions or comments please email to the parish office on parishoffice@ffcp.org.au or to me on frsatheesh@ffcp.org.au

I will appreciate your valuable comments.

Fr. Satheesh Antony.

Parent Mathematics afternoon.

I would like to invite all parents from Kindy, Year 1 and Year 2 to a Mathematics afternoon. Come along and have some fun learning how to work with children to develop their mathematical thinking.

On Monday, 11 September all parents are welcome to join me in the library for a fun afternoon of games and mathematical thinking. The afternoon will begin at 2:15pm and finish at home time. Please see flyer being sent home this week.


Susanne Bragge – Learning Support Teacher & Parent Engagement Coordinator

Allison Houston – Classroom Teacher / Religious Education Coordinator