Parent & Parish News Week 6, Term 2 2024

Parent Engagement News

It was wonderful to have so many parents assist with covering books last week. Our library teacher, Nat Cox was thrilled to have so many books covered. It was a great opportunity to chat and connect with other parents whilst sharing a cuppa and covering books. Thank you to all who were able to come along and assist.

Thank you, parents, for all you do for your child. I believe that the greatest gift you can give your child is to show them your best self. Look after yourselves and know that you are the best person for your child.

You can’t teach children to be good. The best you can do for your child is to live a good life yourself. What a parent knows and believes, the child will lean on. Bruno Bettelheim

Pastoral Discernment Northern Beaches

Please look out for an invitation to an afternoon tea with conversation around the Pastoral Discernment Northern Beaches discussion. Our staff will be going through this discernment process at the spirituality day this Friday. The dioceses would like to hear from parents about their thoughts on the future of the church on the Northern Beaches.  The discernment discussion for parents will be on Thursday, 20 June 2:45 – 3:00pm. An invitation will be sent out this week.

Parish News

Father Satheesh’s Installation

On Sunday, 16 June at 10am at OLGC church Father Satheesh will be installed as our permanent Parish Priest.  He has invited all of us to this special Mass celebrated by Bishop Anthony. There will be an installation ceremony and morning tea afterwards. Please feel invited and welcome to come along for this special celebration. This is a wonderful opportunity to show Fr Satheesh our support.


Last Saturday evening saw our senior students participate and run the Family Mass at the 5:30pm Parish Mass. Despite the heavy rain and wet weather, it was a great celebration with wonderful music lead by Mrs Webster and the school choir. There was a yummy sausage sizzle afterwards ready for everyone after Mass and Fr Joe and parishioners commented on what a wonderful Mass and celebration it was. Thank you to all who came and attended.

First Communion / First Eucharist

We are so proud of all the children who are preparing for their first communion. They are coming to lessons and learning all about the Eucharist. This is a special time for them all and a great way to join and connect with their families.

There will be no preparation lessons this coming weekend as it is the long weekend. Our next preparation lesson will be on the weekend of the 14/15 June.


From the weekend of Saturday, 1 & Sunday, 2 June the new official Parish Mass Weekend Times will be:

St Anthony in the Field

  • 9:00am Sunday Mass

St Martin de Porres Davidson

  • 5:00pm Saturday Vigil Mass
  • 8:30am Sunday Mass

OLGC Forestville

  • 5:30pm Saturday Vigil Mass
  • 10am Sunday Mass
  • 6pm Sunday Mass

St Vincent De Paul – Urgent Nappy Appeal

Our amazing Forestville St Vincent De Paul Group look after families in need, and they are in urgent need of nappies to support these families.

If there are any OLGC families who are able to donate a pack of nappies, it would be greatly appreciated. There will be a box at the front office for you to leave them.

Thank you for your support.

PRIME Youth Group

Due to school events, the long weekend, First Communion and other commitments, we are postponing the June PRIME Youth group get together. Michaella F and I will be in touch with some possible new arrangements and times for the Youth group.

Our parish website is full of all the wonderful things happening in our parish and I encourage all families to have a look at the website for the latest details and information. The parish website is Parish Home Site (

Religious Creative Arts Competition

Back again this year, bigger than ever is the Religious Creative Arts Competition.

In 2024, the theme is one of the CSBB core values,

JOY. “May the God of hope fill you with joy” (Romans 15:13)

The Religious Creative Arts Competition is a well-established event at Catholic Schools Broken Bay and has been running for the past 10 years. Many talented artists over the years have been recognised for their skill and creativity.

The ‘Religious Creative Arts Competition’ includes 5 categories:

  • visual arts
  • dance
  • drama
  • music
  • short film

Students will need to plan, prepare and work on their creative pieces during Term 2 and 3.

Submissions will need to be handed in to schools by Aug 16th, Week 4 of Term 3.

School Finalists’ visual art works are due to Caroline Chisholm Centre by Friday, 30 August.

Local judging will take place followed by a selection of finalists. These finalists will then be featured at the ‘Showcase Night’ to be held at the Hornsby RSL at 5:30pm on Wednesday, 13 November 2024.

The Showcase night will feature a visual art display, plus screenings of selected short films and selected performances by finalists in dance, drama and music.

All age group category winners will receive a prize and a Bishop’s choice award will be presented on the night to one recipient. (See details below)

Student finalists will have the opportunity to perform alongside industry professionals during the showcase concert.

One of the key elements of the competition is how students demonstrate their understanding of and connection to the religious theme. In 2024 the theme is one of the CSBB core values, JOY. “May the God of hope fill you with joy.” (Romans 15:13)

Students will be required to link their creative piece directly to the religious theme by answering the question; How is this theme lived out or demonstrated today? As well as creating an artwork, short film, dance, drama or music piece, students will need to write a 150-word explanation (maximum word count 150wds) to accompany their artwork. Students can use the 150 words to outline how their artwork connects with the theme.

The 2024 Religious Creative Arts Competition is open to all CSBB school students from Kindergarten to Year 10.

Last year, we did have a highly commended, which is fabulous! Let’s see what we can achieve this year.

If you have any questions and would like to work on this from home, please get in touch with Miss Houston, who can help you on the journey.

Vinnie’s Winter Appeal

Have a lovely week

Susanne Bragge

Parent Engagement Coordinator

OLGC Forestville (Wed & Thurs)

Allison Houston

Religious Education Coordinator